Everything Will Be Alright in the End: Marriage in Today’s Culture

I was supposed to be in Illinois today at the Illinois Baptist State Association’s “Elevate Marriage” conference, but, as providence and mechanical failure would have it, my plane was delayed so severely that I was unable to make it to Springfield for the event. So, in a moment of technological feats, the brave staff of the ERLC helped me get my talk recorded and uploaded in time for it to be viewed at the Elevate Marriage Conference. Here’s my talk below. My central point is this: The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s forged a radically new idea of human relationships based on sexual autonomy. This fact alone, I think, helps explain why we’re in the situation we’re in concerning marriage. As I say at the end, we can either respond with bitterness or anger at a culture growing more foreign to Christianity, or we can respond in truth and love to those around us, trusting that “Everything Will Be Alright in the End” because Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father.